Seed: Conjure

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Revision as of 15:36, 18 August 2019 by Kcollins (talk | contribs) (updated page with summaries and links to new sorcery seed pages)
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All materials and objects conjured from this seed radiate as faint Sorcery for magical detection or sight spells. This may be concealed through applicable spells, seeds, or abilities from other sources.

Rank Name Description
1 Basic Conjuration Caster is able to conjure basic items made from materials available in the plane from which their powers originate.
2 Magical Conjuration Caster conjures magically enhanced items, such as weaponry, shields, armor, or clothing from their chosen plane.
3 Shaped Conjuration The caster is able to slowly form conjured materials into basic shapes, creating barriers, spikes, bridges etc. as needed.
4 Active Conjuration The caster may concentrate to maintain control over the shape and location of Conjured material during combat.
5 Master Conjuration Caster may conjure items of special materials, make more detailed/intricate creations, and (with proper anchoring) may make conjured materials permanent.