Active Conjuration

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Required Seed: Conjure 3
Range 5 yards x Rank
Area 100 pounds of conjured materials x Rank
Duration Concentration
Casting Verbal, Somatic
Cast Action Standard
Cost 2 Mana
Push +100 pounds of planar material controlled per Push
Effect Conjures planar materials, such as those created by Conjure Materials allowing the caster while concentrating to move and reshape material causing a variety of effects. Each round (including the round Active Conjuration was cast) the caster may choose a different effect as a Standard Action without breaking their concentration. Other actions (such as attacking, or casting another spell) disrupt the concentration thus ending the spell. Only one effect can be performed at a time.
  • Conjure a claw as per Conjure Claw.
  • Conjure a rising tower that carries targets upwards. If performed on an unwilling target they may make a Magic Resistance to avoid the spell.
  • Conjure a rolling wave the caster rides in a manner similar to Rock Slide.
  • Conjured material forms a large hand that attempts to grapple a chosen target for 5d10 + Rank. The target may make an opposed roll using Unarmed Combat or Escape Artist. If they fail, they are Grappled for the remaining duration of the spell. On subsequent turns, they may attempt to break the grapple. Wood/Bone has 4 HP and 3 Armor, Stone has 6 HP and 4 Armor, and Metal has 8 HP and 5 Armor. If the material is reduced to 0 HP then the grapple immediately ends.

Example: Malatar casts Active Conjuration and is riding a rolling wave of stone into battle. As he gets within range of an enemy, he uses his Standard Action to change from riding the wave to form the stone into a giant hand that grabs the target, attempting to grapple them.