Through the Looking Glass

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Revision as of 14:47, 19 October 2020 by Adant (talk | contribs)
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Required Seed: Portal 3, Seed: Scry 2
Range Self
Area Self
Duration 10 minutes
Casting Verbal, Somatic
Cast Action Full Round
Cost 2 Mana (0 Mana Self)
Push +10 minutes to duration per push
Effect This spell allows the caster to sense a portal, gate, or other transportation spell (e.g. Teleportation) recently cast by another target. The caster can sense when transportation magic has been used within the duration, and may use Magic Mirror to observe the origin or destination location. Within the duration the caster may choose to follow the magic to its origin or destination as if they were the caster of the original spell. When the caster arrives they are disoriented and unable to act for 1 round, after which they can act normally.

Example: Gionnelles and his party badly injure a rogue mage who casts Teleportation to escape to his secret tower. Not wanting him to escape, Gionnelles incants a Magic Mirror spell to see the destination of the spell, observing the mage slumped in his tower (believing himself safe). Gionnelles gathers his companions and casts Follow the Path to teleport his whole party into the mage's tower.

Additionally this spell allows the caster to re-activate an adjacent Planar Portal they cast within Rank - 2 rounds to return to the originating location as a Move Action. Reactivating the portal in this fashion does not cost Mana.