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Character benefits are perks that include many areas of character development including physical traits, education, fighting styles and magical training. Some of your most powerful abilities will often be unlocked with Character Benefits.

Character Benefit List

Benefit Name Rank Prerequisites Description
Improved Background 1-2 CC Gain 1 Rank in your choice of two benefits from the following list: Status, Fame, Income, or Language. Rank 2 increases the benefit to 2 Ranks in your choice of two benefits from the list.
Perfect Memory 2 CC You have a perfect memory and may recall things with photographic clarity.
Giant 2 CC +1 Health, -1 Dodge (may not be reduced below 1)
Improved Speed 1-2 +1/+2 Speed
Improved Initiative 1-2 +1/+2 Initiative
Toughness 1-3 Constitution 3 Retain consciousness until -1, -2, -3.
Armor Training 1-2 Improve maximum dodge for Medium or Heavy armor by 1 or 2 points.
Weapon Finesse 1 Allow use of Dexterity instead of Strength for Large weapons such as Longswords. Small and Light weapons gain this feature automatically, and weapons larger than Large size may not gain this feature.
Meditation 1 Recover mana through meditation even without a restful sleep. Normal fatigue penalties apply to rolls.
Language 1-2 Intelligence 3 Rank 1: Read/Speak language, Rank 2: Fluent
Quick Draw 1 Dexterity 2 Draw a weapon as a free action.
Ritual: Template Focus 1-5 Non-Adept Template Attunes you to a magical focus which provides casting bonuses.
Ritual: Familiar 2 Sorcerer Template, Seed: Summon 1 Permanently bind a Rank 1 Outsider from your chosen plane
Ritual: Planar Gate 2 Sorcerer Template, Any Seed 4 Create a portal to your chosen plane.
Ritual: Conceal Object 1 Sorcerer Template, Conceal 2 Magically conceals an object from detection spells, and prevents it from radiating magical auras.
Ritual: Rapid Animation 2 Sorcerer Template, Slay 3, Animate Dead 1 When a target is slain by Slay, it is immediately animated as if by Animate Dead. Doing so costs the additional mana of Animate Dead for each target affected.
Fighting Style: One Hand & Shield 1-5 Melee Weapons 2 Defensive style focused on preventing damage and protecting nearby companions.
Fighting Style: Dual Wield 1-5 Dexterity 3, Melee Weapons 3 Offensive style focused on dealing maximum damage to a single target.
Fighting Style: Assassination 1-5 Stealth 3 Offensive style focused on dealing a single killing blow.
Fighting Style: Two-Handed Weapons 1-5 Strength 3 Offensive style focused on dealing damage to multiple targets.
Fighting Style: Ranged Weapons 1-5 Ranged Weapons 3 Offensive style focused on improving ranged combat.
Fighting Style: Thrown Weapons 1-5 Thrown Weapons 3 Offensive style focused on improving thrown weapons.
Fighting Style: Spellsword 1-5 Race: Elf/Faerie, Template: Mage, Dexterity 3, Melee Weapons 3 Balanced style focused on merging magical prowess and bladework together.
Favored Template 2 CC You gain access to a Template not traditionally associated with your race.
Bonus Template 4 Gain a bonus Template with a single Rank 1 power. This template is not required to be from your race’s Favored Templates.

Character Benefit Descriptions

Bonus Template

Your character gains access to another character template. The new template gains only a single Rank 1 power.

Template Focus

Sorcerer Focus

req. Template Sorcerer

Rank Name Description
1 Planar Shielding Your magic defense against Sorcery increases by +1. Note: This does not apply to constructs, summons, or conjured weapons created by Sorcery.
2 Basic Focus The focus now provides a Focus bonus to all spells from this template when wielded. The bonus is +1 (Rank 2), +2 (Rank 3-4), +3 (Rank 5). The magic imbued in this device is not compatible with enhancement bonuses, so a weapon turned into a focus could not also be enchanted with an enhancement bonus.
3 Life Tap You may voluntarily take 1 point of Mortal damage to regain Mana equal to your Magic score.
4 Planar Power Once per day you may grant 9-again to a spell.
5 Chaos Guard When a spell results in Backlash dice, you reduce the pool by 1.

Mage Focus

A Mage's focus is core to a mage's persona and presence for mages and wizards across endless stories and worlds. Some manifest as a staff, some as a wand, though there are other possibilities such as orbs. Not all Mages may choose to make a focus, however those that do will realize benefits to their casting. Mage staves and wands staves are unique and personal. They may take many shapes and designs, colors and carvings, metal or wood. They are anything but ordinary.

Only one Mage Focus may exist at a time for any one Mage, who is attuned to that Focus, and the abilities of that Focus are dependant on the Benefit rank obtained.

If the Mage ever loses the Focus, either separation by planar magic or by the Focus's destruction (voluntarily or otherwise), the Mage may re-create the Focus. Recreation takes 1 day for each rank previously purchased. During recreation, all mana is consumed each day and not available for any other purpose, and no break in creation is permitted. If the Mage desires, he can recreate the Focus at a lower rank than previously obtained, however future rank increases must be paid at full cost. During recreation, the Mage may change any previous choices made for the prior Focus, if applicable.

Req. Template Mage

Rank Name Description
1 Mage Light The mage may cause the focus, or part of the focus, to glow with light at the strength of normal torch light. This light may be any color chosen by the mage when this rank is obtained, and may not be changed afterwards. Any magical aura lit by this ability is visible to the mage as per Detect Magic.
2 Basic Focus The focus now provides a Focus bonus to all spells from this template when wielded. The bonus is +1 (Rank 1-2), +2 (Rank 3-4), +3 (Rank 5). The magic imbued in this device is not compatible with enhancement bonuses, so a weapon turned into a focus could not also be enchanted with an enhancement bonus.
3 Mana Focus The mage may transfer mana into the focus that may be used at a later time. The maximum permitted mana storage is equal to the mage’s Magic score. This mana storage has no expiration. This mana is not accessible to any other creature or power, including mana drain effects. The mage must be in physical contact with the focus to use the stored mana.
4 Extension Focus Magecraft spells cast through the focus may have their casting attributes modified depending on what type of focus is used.
  • Staff: Deliver Touch spells (functions as Reach), and ranged AoE spells may be altered to become point blank AoE centered on the caster but excluding the caster from the effect.
  • Wand: Deliver Touch spells (normal melee distance), and any AoE effect may have it’s width reduced by half to double it’s length, extending away from the mage.
  • Sphere: Maintain the concentration of a sight, sense, illusion, or divination spell for the mage (only one such spell at a time) freeing the mage from the concentration requirement.
5 Chromatic Focus Magecraft spells requiring multiple spheres cast through the focus have their cost reduced by 1 to a minimum of 1 mana.

Channeling Focus

req. Template Channeler

Rank Name Description
1 Blessing You gain +1 defense against channeling effects sourced from Patrons that are hostile to your Patron.
2 Basic Focus The focus now provides a Focus bonus to all spells from this template when wielded. The bonus is +1 (Rank 2), +2 (Rank 3-4), +3 (Rank 5). The magic imbued in this device is not compatible with enhancement bonuses, so a weapon turned into a focus could not also be enchanted with an enhancement bonus.
3 Domain Focus Power Choose one Domain that you have access to. You gain the Focus Power from that Domain.
Domain Power
5 Patron Focus Power Gain the Focus Power granted by your Patron.
Patron Power

Shaman Focus

to be created

Fighting Styles

One-Hand & Shield

Req. Melee Weapons 2

Rank 1 Shield Bash You can bash an opponent with a shield, using it as an off-hand weapon. Damage dealt by a shield bash is (Strength + Melee Weapons)/2 + Base Shield Bonus. Used this way, a shield is a one handed non-lethal weapon. If you perform a Shield Bash, you lose your shield bonus until your next action.
Rank 2 Protect Character may voluntarily grant some/all of his base shield bonus and AP Reduction to an adjacent ally. If all base shield bonus is granted then all AP Reduction must be granted. An ally gaining this bonus has a penalty on their ranged attacks or aimed spells equal to the bonus granted. This penalty does not impact melee attacks.
Rank 3 Shield Wall +1 Shield Bonus +1 Armor Penetration Reduction. Additionally grant Parry bonus equal to 4 - Base Shield Bonus to a maximum of Rank.
Rank 4 Improved Protect Character may grant +1 Shield Bonus, +1 AP Reduction to an adjacent ally without reducing his own shield bonus. A maximum of the characters total shield bonus can be granted to a protected ally. Additionally character gains +1 DR whenever he is granted a shield bonus to defense.
Rank 5 Cover Character may treat his shield bonus as a cover bonus against Aimed spells. This affects the character or an ally gaining shield bonus via Protect. Any round in which Cover is used, the character or ally has a penalty on attacks or aimed spells equal to the cover bonus granted. Unlike normal Cover penalties, this penalty affects melee attacks.

Dual Wield

Req. Dexterity 3 Melee Weapons 3

Rank 1 Whirling Blades Your character uses their offhand weapon to fend off attacks. Convert a number of points of Dodge to Parry bonus equal to 4 - Offhand Base Weapon Dice to a maximum of Rank. (Ex. Offhanding a dagger turns 3 dodge into 3 parry making it immune to reduction from successive attacks.)
Rank 2 Flurry Attack Your character may attack a single target with both weapons. Your attack is rolled against the opponent’s defense and benefits from Armor Penetration or Ignore Dodge effects on both weapons. The offhand weapon grants bonus dice to the attack equal to [the base offhand weapon bonus] + (([Offhand Weapon Enhancement Bonus] + [Dual Wield Rank]) / 2) or your attack pool after defense, whichever is lower.
Rank 3 Deflecting Attack Your character may use a regular attack with their main hand weapon, while defending with the offhand to gain +2 dodge. This may be used in combination with Spring Attack.
Rank 4 Spring Attack Player may move, attack, and move in one combat action. The player may not divide their actions in this way unless they perform an attack with the required weapon type. This maneuver may be combined with any Dual Wield attack. If combined with Multi Attack, the attacks may be taken separately.
Rank 5 Multi Attack Your character may attack two targets in melee range in one round. These attacks may be Flurry attacks, but each suffer a -2 penalty.


Req. Stealth 3

Rank 1 Sap When using light weapons, your character may attempt to incapacitate an unsuspecting enemy. This attack ignores dodge bonuses, but does not benefit from Armor Piercing. Martial weapons count as 1 dice non-lethal weapons for this attack. Instead of applying damage, this effect requires a number of successes equal to the target’s Constitution + current Vigor. If successful the target is incapacitated for 10 minutes, if unsuccessful they take 1 point of non-lethal damage.
Rank 2 Sneak Attack Normal attacks with light weapons on flat-footed enemies gain +50% (round down) dice to the attack in addition to ignoring dodge bonuses. Small weapons such as daggers gain an additional +1 Armor Piercing on this attack. This maneuver may not be combined with any other maneuvers such as those granted by other Fighting Styles.
Rank 3 Find Weakness Gain +1 Armor Piercing when using light weapons. Sap attacks now benefit from Armor Piercing.
Rank 4 Ambush Roll 9-again on sneak attacks with light melee weapons. Additionally your character may now perform Sneak Attacks with Ranged Physical Attacks. (Ex. bows, crossbows, or the Shadow Knives spell) To perform a ranged sneak attack you must first study the target for 3 rounds.
Rank 5 Arcane Piercing Assassination attacks with a magical weapon penetrate Rank magic armor.

Two-Handed Weapons

Req. Strength 3

Rank 1 Reach Attacks with two-handed weapons extend melee range by 1 yard.
Rank 2 Cleave After making a normal melee attack which incapacitates or kills a target, you may make an immediate second attack on an adjacent target in melee range with full dice.
Rank 3 Sweeping Strike Take a wide swing hitting Rank targets in melee range. The first two attack rolls suffer a -4 penalty. Additional attacks suffer a -6 penalty. (Ex. -4/-4/-6/-6/-6)
Rank 4 Mighty Cleave Basic melee attacks with a Two-Handed Weapon gain 9-again. The bonus attack granted by Cleave also gains 9-again
Rank 5 Whirlwind Your character may move in a straight line up to a maximum of 10 yards or base movement (whichever is lower) while striking Rank -1 targets in melee range along their path. The first two attack rolls suffer a -4 penalty. Additional attacks suffer a -6 penalty. (Ex. -4/-4/-6/-6)


Req. Ranged Weapons 3

Rank 1 Fast Reload Improve reload speed of ranged weapons one step. (full round to move, move to fast)
Rank 2 Steady Shot Your character may ignore the standard -2 penalty for shooting at a target engaged in melee. Additionally if you spend a Move action aiming the same round you use a bow or crossbow to attack you gain Rank in Ignore Dodge.
Rank 3 Piercing Shot If a shot incapacitates or kills a target within the first range increment, character may roll a second attack on a target in a direct line behind his original target. This second attack suffers a -2 penalty and gains no bonuses from Steady Shot.
Rank 4 Shot on the Run Your character may move before and after a regular ranged attack. The total distance moved must not exceed their maximum Speed. This attack may benefit from Steady Shot’s penalty reduction for targets engaged in melee, but not the Ignore Dodge.
Rank 5 Multi-Shot Your character may attack two separate targets in one round as a Full Round action when using a bow or crossbow to attack. These attacks each suffer a -2 penalty. These attacks may both benefit from Steady Shot’s penalty reduction for targets engaged in melee, but not the Ignore Dodge.

Note: Heavy Crossbows do not gain the Maneuver listed above, instead they reduce their reload time another step to a fast action.

Thrown Weapons

Req. Thrown Weapons 3

Rank 1 Practiced Thrower Draw and wield any thrown weapon as a Free action. This includes any unattended thrown weapons within reach, even if not currently carried. Additionally Thrown weapons gain +8 yards to their range increment.
Rank 2 Deadeye When attacking with thrown weapons, gain +2 Ignore Dodge and 9-again within one range increment. The Ignore Dodge increases to +3 at Rank 5. When using thrown weapons you suffer no penalty for attacking targets in melee.
Rank 3 Double Throw Your character may attack two separate targets in one round as a Full Round action when using thrown weapons to attack. These attacks each suffer a -2 penalty. These attacks may both benefit from Deadeye’s penalty reduction for targets engaged in melee, but not the Ignore Dodge.
Rank 4 Running Throw Your character may move before and after an attack using thrown weapons. The total distance moved must not exceed their maximum Speed.
Rank 5 Fan of Knives Your character makes a cone shaped attack to your first range increment as a Full Round action. These attacks each suffer a -2 penalty and may hit a number of targets equal to Rank -1.


Req. Template: Mage Dexterity 3 Melee Weapons 3

Rank 1 Spellsword Style When wielding a longsword or rapier in one hand ( and nothing in the other ), your character gains a parry bonus while casting spells. This bonus is equal to half the rank of the primary Sphere of the spell, rounded down.
Rank 2 Arcane Strike When wielding a longsword or rapier in one hand (and nothing in the other), your character may channel magical energy into the weapon, temporarily adding an arcane bonus to the attack roll equal to the highest rank Sphere the character possesses. This stacks with any existing enhancement bonus on the weapon.
Rank 3 Blade Ward When wielding a longsword or rapier in one hand (and nothing in the other) and making a normal melee attack, your character may channel magical energy temporarily granting damage reduction equal to half the rank of the highest Sphere the character possesses, rounded down.
Rank 4 Blade Dance Your character may move before and after a Arcane Strike. The total distance moved must not exceed their maximum Speed.
Rank 5 Quicken Spell Once per day your character may cast a spell up to 3rd Rank as a Free action.


Req. Dexterity 3, Craft: Poison of equal rank

Rank 1 Basic Poisoner Grants the ability to apply poisons of rank equal to rank in this style with a successful Dexterity + Craft: Poisons roll. Failing this roll wastes the dose of poison, while a critical failure poisons the player.
Rank 2 Skilled Poisoner Choose either Injury or Ingested Poisons. Gain a +1 Potency on that form of poison. This bonus increases to +2 at Rank 3, and +3 at Rank 5.
Rank 3 Clever Poisoner With regular exposure to poisons you can recognize the effects, smells, or look of poisons with a successful Craft: Poison roll. This reveals the type, potency, and effects of the poison, as well as knowledge of any available antidotes or antivenoms. Craft: Poison rolls to create antidotes gain a +Rank bonus.
Rank 4 Rapid Poisoner With a successful Sleight of Hand roll you may apply an Injury poison to a weapon as a Fast Action. When administering Ingested poisons gain a +4 bonus to the Sleight of Hand roll to avoid being noticed.
Rank 5 Master Poisoner Either Injury or Ingested Poisons (depending on your selection for Skilled Poisoner) gains +1 Duration. Additionally Craft: Poison checks require one less success.

Natural Weapons

Req. Natural Weapons

Rank 1 x x
Rank 2 x x
Rank 3 x x
Rank 4 x x
Rank 5 x x

Mounted Combat


Rank 1 x x
Rank 2 x x
Rank 3 x x
Rank 4 x x
Rank 5 x x