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Khitar, the younger of the Twin Goddesses, is most often portrayed in well-used armor or a hooded cloak swept up by an unseen wind, posture ready to do battle. She is known for her forceful, mercurial, and occasionally vicious nature, though her sister Nimway serves as a stabilizing influence, toning down her more extreme impulses.

Khitar's symbol, a dark hurricane with a ruby in its eye, is always a mirror image of her sister's. The two are often depicted on either side of a single amulet by those who worship the twins, as it is easily reversed depending on one's needs.

Titles: Goddess of Air, The Storm

Domains: Storms Domain (Air), Magic Domain, Healing Domain, Wrath Domain

Symbol: A dark, spiraling hurricane ruby in its eye.



First God War

When the Greater Gods initially fought among themselves over power and territory among the planes, Khitar and her sister Nimway were eventually approached by the goddess Tsophia with an offer: she would give them control of the Healing Domain in exchange for their assistance in creating a safe place for her beloved creations, where they might be hidden away from the ravages of the God War. The Twins agreed to this bargain and, with powerful water magic, they crafted Tsophia a sanctuary hidden in the depths of the water moon Haerúna. The Twins received their dominion over Healing shortly before Tsophia's sudden disappearance.

Long after the God Wars and the Elari-Faerie Wars, the Twins discovered that Tsophia had left something important behind in the sanctuary that they helped create: Erdreus, a child born of Tsophia's divine power who had inherited the power that had been thought lost when Tsophia disappeared. The young entity been hidden away, dormant, at Tsophia's sanctuary on the moon until he was nearly stolen away before making his way into the Twins' care. Khitar and Nimway took it upon themselves to protect him until he grew into his divinity and formed a close relationship with the young God of Love.

Elari-Faerie Wars

After the creation of the Elven races during the Elari-Faerie Wars, a Wood Elf Channeler and her Adept twin won a boon from Nimway. Nimway and Khitar lead the wood elves to a safe haven and hid them from both the Elari and the Fae. Khitar, furious at what had become of the other races they had helped to create, supported her sister's wish to protect them. Elves sworn to her service worked to guard the borders of their haven against intrusion and assist their cousins - the wild elves and high elves - in escaping the conflict. Ultimately, with the support of the Twins the wood elves were able to survive and even thrive, eventually developing a theocratic monarchy blessed by the goddesses themselves until the race later joined with the high elves into one elven nation.


Khitar's closest confidante is her sister, Nimway, and she maintains a friendly rivalry with Septimus. She does not care for how much he allows Alkaizer's input to influence him, however. Khitar is particularly fond of her nephew Erdreus, though she is occasionally frustrated with his tendency to let go of grudges quickly, and considers him a friend. She has been known to interact with Thysis on occasion.


Often worshiped alongside the great Alkaizer in agricultural communities, the Twins are most often prayed to in hopes of good weather for crops. Seafaring communities frequently pray to the Khitar for strong winds. Her strong ties to the Wrath Domain and love of combat are emphasized by those who worship her: warriors pray to Khitar for strength or support in bids for vengeance; the guilty leave her tribute to offset her wrath.

Religious Orders

The Hand of Khitar

Temples and Holy Sites