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Erdreus is the youngest of all of the Greater Gods. As the son and heir of the former Goddess of Love Tsophia, he has assumed her place in the Blessed Gods’ pantheon under the guidance of his aunts, Khitar and Nimway. As a young and benevolent deity, long dormant as the world moved on without him, he is quite naïve to the ways of the world and the workings of other major powers, and often relies on trusted allies to help him make decisions.

Erdreus appears as a youth with silver-white hair, but is much older than he seems. Formed in the image of humanity, he has rounded ears, and his dark gaze is said to be eternally filled with compassion. He is most often clothed in white or blue robes rather than armor, and carries a staff grown of living wrenwood, whose flowers are a symbol of happiness and goodwill.

Titles: God of Love, Son of Starlight

Domains: Love Domain

Symbol: A circle formed by three pairs of clasped hands enveloping a three pointed star.



Tsophia, once a powerful goddess of Love and Healing, was a prime target during the First God War and, knowing that she was unlikely to survive it due to how heavily she was being targeted, Tsophia instead chose to conceal the Love Domain, hiding it away so that mortals wouldn't lose access to Love when she disappeared. In exchange for control of the Healing Domain, the Twins (Khitar and Nimway) assisted Tsophia in the creation and concealment of a sanctuary on Haerúna, the larger of Lorithandar's two moons, where some of her beloved mortals and other creations could take refuge from the God War. Tsophia then swore the other two to secrecy with divine magic before retreating to her new temple, where she created a child from her own divine power: an heir to Love who would shepherd the mortal races in her stead. Tsophia then passed every ounce of power that remained within her (as well as access to the Love domain) to her son before concealing his very name and, shortly after, disappearing from existence - the devotion and sacrifice of a mother for her beloved child keeping him safe and hidden for millennia, until the sanctuary was discovered by the Unseelie Queen Maeve, who nearly managed to steal him away before he made his way into the care of the Twins themselves.



Religious Orders

Temples and Holy Sites