Blade Vortex

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Required War Domain: Evoker 4
Range 5 yards x Rank
Area 3 yards
Duration Rank Rounds
Casting Verbal, Somatic
Action Standard
Cost 3 Mana
Effect The channeler stretches a hand out in front of herself and conjures a deadly vortex of sharp blades and shards of metal. The vortex expands in a cone-shaped path until it reaches its target, swirling into a circular ring of floating metal about 1-2 yards off of the ground.

Blade Vortex deals lethal physical damage (Casting roll vs. Physical Defense, with the caster’s roll gaining +2 Ignore Dodge and +2 Armor Piercing) to anything in its path, and will remain in place where it lands for Rank rounds. At Rank 5, the spell’s Ignore Dodge and Armor Piercing bonuses increase to +3.

Anything entering the spell’s area of effect is immediately attacked. Any target that remains in the vortex at the end of its turn will be subject to another attack on the caster’s next turn. However, no target may take damage from this spell more than once per round.

Only one Blade Vortex may be active at a time.