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Locien’partha - Heart of the cities, The ancient. Tower of Peace. Seat of Lords. Gathering, Holy hall of the Drakes, Elarisbane. It is a 5 sided tower, pure white with perfectly smooth walls (think un-marbled marble) there is no discernable entrance, banners or inscriptions anywhere on the tower nothing has ever been able to penetrate the stone and climbing in impossible. 300 yards up the tower, the tower thins before continuing upward, opens up essentially creating a large balcony on all sides. There is so much lore surrounding the tower, stories, rumors, everyone will have heard something, but truthfully almost everything has been forgotten about Locien’partha, but there are those who know its purpose and meaning. Close by there are many small villages and towns trading hubs etc as it is the centermost point between the 5 cities.