Skill Specialization

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  • 5 ranks in Business, Craft, Perform, Knowledge, Medicine, Search, or Survival skill
  • 1 CC point or 3 GXP.


Taking this benefit allows the character to select a specific specialization or focus for a Business, Craft, Knowledge, Medicine, Search, or Survival skill, which grants a +2 proficiency bonus when that specialization would be employed. The specialization should represent a narrow focus of the skill, and must be approved by the Storyteller.


  • Craft (Weaponsmith) - Swords
  • Perform (Stringed Instruments) - Violin
  • Knowledge (Ancient History) - The Elari War
  • Knowledge (Planar) - Stygia
  • Survival - Tracking
  • Business - Haggling

This benefit may be taken more than once, each purchase requiring a different specialization to be selected.