The Badlands
The south-east coastal regions of Dakor the 11th Regiment went to investigate has been completely taken over by the Elari. They are actively hunting Draeken in the region who are engaging in guerrilla warfare in response, trying to defend their ranges, but the Elari have turned the region into a nightmare. They have begun engaging in feuds, fighting over areas, and establishing their own mini-fiefdoms. The Elari have not expanded off Elarum for tens of thousands of years, but it appears that is what they are doing. Nothing as organized as a military, this is the madness of turning nearly 50,000 young sorcerers loose with no supervision. Sorcery sickens the air, and the Dakoran settlements in the region have been overwhelmed completely with humans taken as slaves or food. The 11th Regiment was doomed from the start, mauled badly in every encounter with the Elari, and despite joining with several local Draeken willing to work with the Dakorans they were picked apart. General Derath Kern and his accompanying High Mage Seren Cadell died attempting to reach the coast to evacuate any survivors from General Kern’s home. The Elari have spread all the way through Bertu (the start of Mercenary Kingdoms) and may even reach Linara.
There is far more going on than is readily apparent. The Elari are not simply here on a great hunt to destroy their Draeken foes. The Elari council has discovered a way of distilling the bones of dead Draeken to disrupt the powerful magecraft of their hated Faerie enemies. They believe it is time for the Elari to rise and take dominion of the entire world of Lorithandar for once and for all. Towards this end they have convinced the young of the Elari that this excursion into the Draeken homeland is a contest or sorts. Whoever can destroy the most Draeken (while salvaging the bones as a "trophy") will earn a seat on the Elari council.
The Elari is using the Bone Fleet for 3 primary reasons:
- to take the young, ambitious, and dangerous to the status quo Elari away from Elarum
- to test the Faerie mettle and resolution to restrain the Elari to their continent
- to attempt to wipe out the faerie’s most dangerous tools from the war the magic cancelling Draeken, and use their bones to turn the weapon back on their foes
Caern Nondur was a site of great carnage, with many of the 11th scattered. The 11ths mission at this point was changed to one of evacuation and rescue. Seren Cadell revealed his true magical ability at this point, but became a target for every Elari in the Bone Fleet. He eventually fell protecting General Derath Kern.
Discussion of a major military failure and threat from the south are on many tongues. Nearly a year ago ago General Derath Kern departed with the 11th Regiment to the south-eastern region on the furthest edges of Dakor’s dominion. He never returned, and refugees from the region have told horrific stories leading to it being called the Badlands. Effectively there is an occupying force of young Elari sorcerers slowly spreading throughout the Badlands hunting Draeken and setting up fiefdoms. The Faerie will be unlikely to allow this to continue. The 1st remains posted near Avignon as an unofficial line-in-the-sand to the Elari, but Cadre and soldiers are still posted as far south as Linara. Yothna Tran an Imperial High mage with Elemental High Magic commands the southern border.
An ancient Green Dragon has joined the fray in this area and was seen in pitched battle aiding some Draeken who had rallied with soldiers from the 11th. Numerous Elari have banded together to try and hunt the dragon down. It was apparently wounded, but not killed.
Important Places
Noteworthy NPCs
Female Green Dragon hugely strong. She left her range in the Shingrow forest and is aiding the survivors of the Draeken and 11th Regiment. She wears Elari bones in mockery of their stealing of Draeken bones.
Draeken hunter chosen as a guide for the Dakoran army through the Badlands. Now fights with Caydranth against the Bone Fleet.
A former Dakoran Cadre mage skilled with Air magic. Shem lost his twin brother during the 11th's disastrous encounters with the Elari Bone Fleet. He now works with Leo'tt and Caydranth to blunt their influence in the region and seek revenge for his lost brother.
A former Dakoran Sergeant, Dove was one of the few to survive the 11th's operation and continues to serve Imperial interests in the region.