Draconic Form

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Required Dragon Discipline 5
Range Self
Target Area Self
Duration Permanent
Action None
Cost None
Effect The adept gains the permanent Draconic descriptor, and will be treated as Draconic by other draconoids, but will be subject to effects that would target Draconic creatures. The adept gains a permanent set of physical wings which grant the ability to fly slowly (Dragon Discipline Rank + WILL speed). Additional powers are granted based on other abilities from the Discipline in the Draconic Traits line:
  • Adepts with Dragon Claw gain a +1 Armor Piercing with all Natural Weapons attacks.
  • Adepts with Dragon Lung may hold their breath for twice as long without penalty.
  • Adepts with Dragon Scales gain the effect of the active benefit permanently without spending mana.
  • Adepts with Dragon's Breath costs 1 Mana less.