Dragon Discipline
The legacy of Kao and his fiercest troll warriors, the Discipline of the Dragon is geared toward dominating the battlefield. Adepts of the Dragon may choose abilities based on Resilience, Draconic Traits, Instilling Fear, and Draconic Fighting. Adepts of the Dragon may choose prowess in Might, Toughness, and Resistance. Draconic Traits powers may only be taken by Trolls.
In the millennia past, the secrets of the Dragon Discipline were known only to the Troll Empire, servants of the warrior god Kao. After Kao's defeat by the Blessed Gods, the discipline was largely lost, or hidden by the few followers who survived. Over time as trolls integrated into the shared societies of humans, elves, and other mortal races a trusted few earned the right to these secrets. With Kao's return to Lorithandar, practitioners of this Discipline are more open with their powers. An Adept of the Dragon may find distrust, or hatred from those who remember the Troll Empire and the God War, or acceptance and trust by those who wield the same Discipline. Trolls may feel it is their duty to educate other practitioners on the history of the Discipline which many consider a gift from their creator.
Rank 1
Fearless | Passive: Character is immune to Intimidate checks including Demoralize.
Active: +Rank bonus on saves against magical fear effects. 1 Mana. |
Dragon Claw | Passive: Character may treat unarmed attacks as 3 dice lethal weapons. Characters with this power are eligible for the Natural Weapons Fighting Style. |
Intimidating Presence | Passive: Character gains +2 on Intimidate checks. |
Fearful Fixation | Targets who are affected by the character's successful Intimidate or Fear effect suffer a -2 Penalty to non-combat skills affecting other targets as they focus fully on the character. |
Rank 2
Improved Resistance | Passive: Character gains +1 Resistance.
Active: Character ignores the damage or penalties of one Poison or Disease for Rank rounds. This effect does not affect the duration of the hostile disease or poison. 1 Mana. |
Dragon Lung | Character may hold their breath for an extended duration, and gaining a bonus to the Swim skill. This power is a pre-requisite for Dragon's Breath. 1 Mana. |
Fear Aura | Character may activate a 5 yard + Rank radius aura of fear as a Fast Action. Targets in the aura who fail to resist vs. Dragon + Willpower + Intimidate are Shaken. If the affected target is already under the influence of a Fear effect it increases by 1 level. (Shaken to Frightened, Frightened to Panicked) Targets who successfully resist are immune to this effect for 1 Hour. |
Reactive Assault | After taking damage from an attack made while you were flat-footed, you may immediately attack the assailant with a basic melee attack. This attack does not count against your normal action limits for the round. Only once such attack may be made per encounter. 1 Mana. |
Rank 3
Inevitable Doom | Character may ignore any speed impairing effects including environmental, magical, or armor penalties for Rank rounds. Character is limited to a maximum move of their base movement. (ie. they may not charge or take a double move action) 2 Mana. |
Dragon Scales | Passive: Gain +1 Physical Damage Reduction which may be combined with other sources of Damage Reduction.
Active: The Damage Reduction gained by Dragon Scales may apply to spells for 1 round. This effect may be activated reactively as a free action. 2 Mana. |
Draconic Roar | Character roars at the top of their lungs, targeting a nearby foe (within Rank x 5 yards) with all of their fury. A target who fails to resist vs. Dragon + Willpower + Intimidate is Panicked. Targets who successfully resist are immune to this effect for 1 Hour. |
Dragon Fang | A standard melee attack gains +Rank in Armor Piercing. This strike may not be combined with Maneuvers from Fighting Styles. 2 Mana. |
Rank 4
Dragon's Breath | If the adept already possesses Dragon Lung they gain the breath weapon of a Black Dragon. |
Aura of Terror | Character may activate a 5 yard +Rank radius aura of terror as a Fast Action. Targets in the aura who fail to resist vs. Dragon + Willpower + Intimidate are Frightened. If the affected target is already under the influence of a Fear effect it increases by 2 levels. (Shaken to Panicked) Targets who successfully resist are immune to this effect for 1 Hour. |
Rank 5
Fuel the Fire | Free Action. This power adds points of damage taken to a pool of Story Dice that may be added to melee attacks. The effect lasts 5 rounds and any unspent dice dissipate after that time. 4 Mana. |
Draconic Form | Permanently gains the Draconic type, wings, and elemental resistance. |
Deadly Terror | A palpable wave of magical fear strikes a target within 10 yards x Rank dealing Dragon + Willpower + Intimidate as lethal damage. This is rolled against a target’s Magical Defense. This effect may only be used against a target once per encounter. 4 Mana. |