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==Character Benefit List==
==Character Background==
These benefits provide tangible advantage of what is related in your character's background and story and typically can only be taken at Character Creation (CC).
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|| 1-2  
|| 1-2  
|| CC  
|| CC  
|| Rank 1 grants 2 points among Status, Fame, Income, Artifact, or Language with a 1 Rank maximum. Rank 2 grants 2 additional points among the listed benefits with a 2 Rank maximum.  
|| Begin play with Status, Fame, Income, an Heirloom, or a Language.
| [[Artifact]]
|| 1-2
|| CC
|| Begin play with a minor magical item.
| [[Perfect Memory]]  
| [[Perfect Memory]]  
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|| 2   
|| 2   
|| CC
|| CC
|| +1 Health, -1 Dodge (may not be reduced below 1)
|| You are physically larger than normal for your racial averages
| [[Improved Speed]] 
|| 1-2
|| +1/+2 Speed
| [[Improved Initiative]]
|| 1-2
|| +1/+2 Initiative
||Constitution 3
||Retain consciousness until -1, -2, -3.
|[[Armor Training]]
||Improve maximum Dodge and reduce Speed penalties for Medium or Heavy armor by 1 or 2 points.
|[[Weapon Finesse]]
||Allow use of Dexterity instead of Strength for Large weapons such as Longswords. Small and Light weapons gain this feature automatically, and weapons larger than Large size may not gain this feature.
||Recover mana through meditation even without a restful sleep. Normal fatigue penalties apply to rolls.
||Intelligence 3
||Rank 1: Read/Speak language, Rank 2: Fluent
|[[Quick Draw]]
||Dexterity 2
||Draw a weapon as a free action.
|[[Ritual: Channeler Focus]]
||Channeler Template
||Attunes you to a magical focus which provides casting bonuses.
|[[Ritual: Mage Focus]]
||Mage Template
||Attunes you to a magical focus which provides casting bonuses.
|[[Ritual: Shaman Focus]]
||Shaman Template
||Attunes you to a magical focus which provides casting bonuses.
|[[Ritual: Sorcerer Focus]]
||Sorcerer Template
||Attunes you to a magical focus which provides casting bonuses.
|[[Ritual: Familiar]]
|[[Favored Source]]
||Sorcerer Template, Seed: Summon 1
||Conduct a 10 minute Ritual to permanently bind a Rank 1 Outsider from your chosen plane
||You gain access to a Source not traditionally associated with your race.
==Fighting Styles==
These benefits are trained, earned through hard work and long hours, or literally through the blood and test of combat. They are what makes the difference between someone who knows enough about a weapon to avoid hurting themselves, and a truly skilled master of the art of weaponry.
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|[[Ritual: Planar Gate]]
! Benefit Name !! Rank !! Prerequisites !! Description
||Sorcerer Template, Any Seed 4
||Conduct a 10 minute ritual to create a portal to your chosen plane. The location in the plane the portal appears is determined at random.
|[[Ritual: Conceal Object]]
|[[Fighting Style: One Hand & Shield|One Hand & Shield]]
||Sorcerer Template, Conceal 2
||Conduct a ritual to magically conceal an object from detection spells, and prevents it from radiating magical auras. The duration is indefinite until dispelled however only one such object may be concealed at a time.
|[[Rapid Animation]]
||Sorcerer Template, Animate Dead 3
|| Caster may now cast Animate Dead as a Standard Action.
|[[Planar Possession]]
||Sorcerer Template, Animate Dead 3, Compel 3
|| Caster may possess targets with planar spirits.
|[[Ritual: Transform Spirit]]
||Shaman Template
|| Caster may conduct a ritual to transform an imbue spirit to a manifest spirit or vice versa. If the spirit is an improved variant, it becomes an improved variant of the new type. This ritual may be performed at any time, but takes 1 hour to complete and may only be performed once per week.
|[[Spirit Sight]]
||Shaman Template
|| Caster no longer requires hallucinogens or deep meditation to view the Spirit World. They may voluntarily open themselves to the Spirit World as a Full Round action. 
|[[Fighting Style: One Hand & Shield]]
||Melee Weapons 2
||Melee Weapons 2
||Defensive style focused on preventing damage and protecting nearby companions.
||Defensive style focused on preventing damage and protecting nearby companions.
|[[Fighting Style: Dual Wield]]
|[[Fighting Style: Dual Wield|Dual Wield]]
||Dexterity 3, Melee Weapons 3
||Dexterity 3, Melee Weapons 3
||Offensive style focused on dealing maximum damage to a single target.
||Offensive style focused on dealing maximum damage to a single target.
|[[Fighting Style: Assassination]]
|[[Fighting Style: Assassination|Assassination]]
||Stealth 3
||Stealth 3
||Offensive style focused on dealing a single killing blow.
||Offensive style focused on dealing a single killing blow.
|[[Fighting Style: Two-Handed Slashing Weapons]]
|[[Fighting Style: Two-Handed Slashing Weapons|Two-Handed Slashing Weapons]]
||Strength 3
||Strength 3, Melee (Slashing) 3
||Offensive style focused on dealing damage to multiple targets.
||Offensive style focused on dealing damage to multiple targets.
|[[Fighting Style: Two-Handed Piercing Weapons]]
|[[Fighting Style: Two-Handed Crushing Weapons|Two-Handed Crushing Weapons]]
||Strength 3
||Strength 3, Melee (Crushing) 3
||Offensive style focused on dealing damage to multiple targets.
||Utility style focused on attacking single targets.
|[[Fighting Style: Spears|Spears]]
||Strength 3, Melee (Piercing) 3
||Defensive style focused on coordinated fighting and breaching enemy defenses.
|[[Fighting Style: Ranged Weapons]]
|[[Fighting Style: Archery|Archery]]
||Ranged Weapons 3
||Ranged Weapons (Bow or Crossbow) 3
||Offensive style focused on improving ranged combat.
||Offensive style focused on improving ranged combat.
|[[Fighting Style: Thrown Weapons]]
|[[Fighting Style: Thrown Weapons|Thrown Weapons]]
||Thrown Weapons 3
||Thrown Weapons 3
||Offensive style focused on improving thrown weapons.
||Offensive style focused on improving thrown weapons.
|[[Fighting Style: Spellsword]]
|[[Fighting Style: Magitech Pistols|Magitech Pistols]]
||Race: Elf/Faerie, Template: Mage, Dexterity 3, Melee Weapons 3
||Ranged Weapons (Magitech) 3
||Offensive style focused on one-handed Magitech weapons.
|[[Fighting Style: Magitech Rifles|Magitech Rifles]]
||Ranged Weapons (Magitech) 3
||Offensive style focused on two-handed Magitech weapons.
|[[Fighting Style: Spellsword|Spellsword]]
||Magecraft Source, Magecraft 3, Dexterity 3, Melee Weapons 3
||Balanced style focused on merging magical prowess and bladework together.
||Balanced style focused on merging magical prowess and bladework together.
|[[Fighting Style: Mounted Combat]]
|[[Fighting Style: Poisoner|Poisoner]]
||Dexterity 3, Ride 3
||Dexterity 3, Craft: Poison of equal rank
||A style for fighting while mounted on another creature.
||A style for applying poisons to your weapons.
|[[Fighting Style: Poisoner]]
|[[Fighting Style: Staves|Staves]]
||Dexterity 3, Craft: Poison of equal rank
||Melee (Crushing) 3
||A style for applying poisons to your weapons
||A style for fighting with a staff.
|[[Fighting Style: Natural Weapons]]
|[[Fighting Style: Natural Weapons|Natural Weapons]]
||Natural Weapons (Racial or Granted through other means)
||Unarmed Combat (Natural Weapons) 3
||A style for maximizing your use of your natural weapons.
||A style for maximizing your use of your natural weapons.
|[[Favored Template]]
|[[Fighting Style: Striking|Striking]]
|| Unarmed Combat (Striking) 3
||You gain access to a Template not traditionally associated with your race.
||A style for fighting with hands and feet.
|[[Bonus Template]]
|[[Fighting Style: Grappling|Grappling]]
|| Unarmed Combat (Grappling) 3
||Gain a bonus Template with a single Rank 1 power. This template is not required to be from your race’s Favored Templates.
||A style for fighting by grappling foes.

=Character Benefit Descriptions=
Focuses are the alternative to weapon styles, available for casters or other roles that don't leverage a weapon style in their character. These benefits modify an object, enhancing it appropriate to the Source of the character who possesses it.
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! Benefit Name !! Rank !! Prerequisites !! Description
|[[Ritual: Channeler Focus|Channeler Focus]]
||Channelling Source
||Attunes you to a magical focus which provides casting bonuses.
|[[Ritual: Mage Focus|Mage Focus]]
||Magecraft Source
||Attunes you to a magical focus which provides casting bonuses.
|[[Ritual: Shaman Focus|Shaman Focus]]
||Shamanism Source
||Attunes you to a magical focus which provides casting bonuses.
|[[Ritual: Sorcerer Focus|Sorcerer Focus]]
||Sorcery Source
||Attunes you to a magical focus which provides casting bonuses.

Talents are individual benefits that modify Source powers the character has, granting additional ability or flexibility.

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! Benefit Name !! Rank !! Prerequisites !! Description
|[[Magical Disruption]]
||Channelling, Shamanism, Magecraft, or Sorcery Source
||Gain the ability to dispel or counter spells
|[[Magical Resistance]]
||Channelling, Shamanism, Magecraft, or Sorcery Source Rank 2 or higher
||Gain a spell which grants Magical Resistance.
|[[Magical Shielding]]
||Channelling, Shamanism, Magecraft, or Sorcery Source Rank 2 or higher
||Gain a spell which grants Magical Defense.
|[[Craft Item]]
||Channelling, Shamanism, Magecraft, or Sorcery Source Rank 3 or higher
||Gain the ability to craft permanent magical items.
|[[Craft Spell Scroll]]
||Magecraft Source Rank 3 or higher AND Magecraft Skill Rank 3 or higher
||Gain the ability to prepare Blank Spellpaper and create Spell Scrolls: consumable, single-use magic items that store a known spell for later activation.
|[[Magical Resonance]]
||Adept Source, Intelligence 3 OR Willpower 3
||Gain the ability to detect and eventually identify magical auras.
||Adept Source
||Enter a meditative trance to restore the body's energy more efficiently.
|[[Spirit Sight]]
||Shamanism Source
||A ritual using drugs or deep meditation to perceive the Spirit World.
||Shamanism Source
|| Communicate freely with nearby spirits.
|[[Alter Pact]]
||Shamanism Source
|| Alter the type of shaman pact a specific spirit provides.
|[[Spirit Shrine]] || 2 || Shamanism Source Rank 5 or higher|| This ritual creates a temporary opening into the spirit realm at a chosen location.
|[[Improved Familiar]]
||Sorcery Source, Seed: Summon 2
||Caster's familiar gains improved stats.

==Miscellaneous Training==
===Physical Training===
'''Req. Dexterity 3, Craft: Poison of equal rank'''
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|Rank 1
! Benefit Name !! Rank !! Prerequisites !! Description
||Basic Poisoner
||Grants the ability to apply poisons of rank equal to rank in this style with a successful Dexterity + Craft: Poisons roll. Failing this roll wastes the dose of poison, while a critical failure poisons the player.
| [[Quick Draw]]
||Dexterity 2
||Draw a weapon as a Fast Action.
| [[Improved Speed]] 
|| 1-2
|| Gain increased speed
|Rank 2
| [[Improved Initiative]]
||Skilled Poisoner
|| 1-2  
||Choose either Injury or Ingested Poisons. Gain a +1 Potency on that form of poison. This bonus increases to +2 at Rank 3, and +3 at Rank 5.
|| Gain an improvement in reaction time.
|Rank 3
| [[Armor Training]]
||Clever Poisoner
||With regular exposure to poisons you can recognize the effects, smells, or look of poisons with a successful Craft: Poison roll. This reveals the type, potency, and effects of the poison, as well as knowledge of any available antidotes or antivenoms. Craft: Poison rolls to create antidotes gain a +Rank bonus.
||Improve maximum Dodge and reduce Speed penalties for Medium or Heavy armor
|Rank 4
| [[Mounted Combat]]
||Rapid Poisoner
||With a successful Sleight of Hand roll you may apply an Injury poison to a weapon as a Fast Action. When administering Ingested poisons gain a +4 bonus to the Sleight of Hand roll to avoid being noticed.
||Dexterity OR Strength 3, Ride 3
||Gain bonuses when fighting on a mount.
|Rank 5
| [[Toughness]]
||Master Poisoner
||Either Injury or Ingested Poisons (depending on your selection for Skilled Poisoner) gains +1 Duration. Additionally Craft: Poison checks require one less success.
||Constitution 3
||Retain consciousness when others would fall.

===Natural Weapons===
===Combat Skill Training===
'''Req. Natural Weapons'''
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| Rank 1 || x || x
! Benefit Name !! Rank !! Prerequisites !! Description
| Rank 2 || x || x
| [[Improvised Fighter]]
| Rank 3 || x || x
||Ignore penalties with improvised weaponry.
| Rank 4 || x || x
| [[Master of Martial Arts]]
| Rank 5 || x || x
||Unarmed Combat Skill 5
||Apply existing unarmed combat skill to other unarmed combat skills.
| [[Weapon Master]]
||Weapon Skill 5
||Apply existing weapon skill to new weapons.
| [[Weapon Finesse]]
||Allow use of Dexterity instead of Strength for Large and Two-Handed weapons’ attack rolls.

===Mounted Combat===
===Mental Training===
'''Req. '''
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| Rank 1 || x || x
! Benefit Name !! Rank !! Prerequisites !! Description
| Rank 2 || x || x
| Rank 3 || x || x
||Recover mana through meditation even without a restful sleep.
| Rank 4 || x || x
| Rank 5 || x || x
||Intelligence 2
||Read, Write, and Speak in a new language
|[[Spell Mastery]]
|| Variable
||Channelling, Shamanism, Magecraft, or Sorcery Source
||Master casting of a spell to bypass verbal or somatic casting requirements.
|[[Skill Specialization]]
|| 1
||5 ranks in Business, Craft, Perform, Knowledge, Medicine, Search, or Survival skill
||Specialize in a particular skill granting a +2 bonus.
| [[Bonus Source]]
||Gain an additional Source.

Latest revision as of 12:33, 15 April 2024

Character benefits are perks that include many areas of character development including physical traits, education, fighting styles and magical training. Some of your most powerful abilities will often be unlocked with Character Benefits.

Character Background

These benefits provide tangible advantage of what is related in your character's background and story and typically can only be taken at Character Creation (CC).

Benefit Name Rank Prerequisites Description
Improved Background 1-2 CC Begin play with Status, Fame, Income, an Heirloom, or a Language.
Artifact 1-2 CC Begin play with a minor magical item.
Perfect Memory 2 CC You have a perfect memory and may recall things with photographic clarity.
Giant 2 CC You are physically larger than normal for your racial averages
Favored Source 2 CC You gain access to a Source not traditionally associated with your race.

Fighting Styles

These benefits are trained, earned through hard work and long hours, or literally through the blood and test of combat. They are what makes the difference between someone who knows enough about a weapon to avoid hurting themselves, and a truly skilled master of the art of weaponry.

Benefit Name Rank Prerequisites Description
One Hand & Shield 1-5 Melee Weapons 2 Defensive style focused on preventing damage and protecting nearby companions.
Dual Wield 1-5 Dexterity 3, Melee Weapons 3 Offensive style focused on dealing maximum damage to a single target.
Assassination 1-5 Stealth 3 Offensive style focused on dealing a single killing blow.
Two-Handed Slashing Weapons 1-5 Strength 3, Melee (Slashing) 3 Offensive style focused on dealing damage to multiple targets.
Two-Handed Crushing Weapons 1-5 Strength 3, Melee (Crushing) 3 Utility style focused on attacking single targets.
Spears 1-5 Strength 3, Melee (Piercing) 3 Defensive style focused on coordinated fighting and breaching enemy defenses.
Archery 1-5 Ranged Weapons (Bow or Crossbow) 3 Offensive style focused on improving ranged combat.
Thrown Weapons 1-5 Thrown Weapons 3 Offensive style focused on improving thrown weapons.
Magitech Pistols 1-5 Ranged Weapons (Magitech) 3 Offensive style focused on one-handed Magitech weapons.
Magitech Rifles 1-5 Ranged Weapons (Magitech) 3 Offensive style focused on two-handed Magitech weapons.
Spellsword 1-5 Magecraft Source, Magecraft 3, Dexterity 3, Melee Weapons 3 Balanced style focused on merging magical prowess and bladework together.
Poisoner 1-5 Dexterity 3, Craft: Poison of equal rank A style for applying poisons to your weapons.
Staves 1-5 Melee (Crushing) 3 A style for fighting with a staff.
Natural Weapons 1-5 Unarmed Combat (Natural Weapons) 3 A style for maximizing your use of your natural weapons.
Striking 1-5 Unarmed Combat (Striking) 3 A style for fighting with hands and feet.
Grappling 1-5 Unarmed Combat (Grappling) 3 A style for fighting by grappling foes.


Focuses are the alternative to weapon styles, available for casters or other roles that don't leverage a weapon style in their character. These benefits modify an object, enhancing it appropriate to the Source of the character who possesses it.

Benefit Name Rank Prerequisites Description
Channeler Focus 1-5 Channelling Source Attunes you to a magical focus which provides casting bonuses.
Mage Focus 1-5 Magecraft Source Attunes you to a magical focus which provides casting bonuses.
Shaman Focus 1-5 Shamanism Source Attunes you to a magical focus which provides casting bonuses.
Sorcerer Focus 1-5 Sorcery Source Attunes you to a magical focus which provides casting bonuses.


Talents are individual benefits that modify Source powers the character has, granting additional ability or flexibility.

Benefit Name Rank Prerequisites Description
Magical Disruption 1-2 Channelling, Shamanism, Magecraft, or Sorcery Source Gain the ability to dispel or counter spells
Magical Resistance 1-3 Channelling, Shamanism, Magecraft, or Sorcery Source Rank 2 or higher Gain a spell which grants Magical Resistance.
Magical Shielding 1-3 Channelling, Shamanism, Magecraft, or Sorcery Source Rank 2 or higher Gain a spell which grants Magical Defense.
Craft Item 3 Channelling, Shamanism, Magecraft, or Sorcery Source Rank 3 or higher Gain the ability to craft permanent magical items.
Craft Spell Scroll 3 Magecraft Source Rank 3 or higher AND Magecraft Skill Rank 3 or higher Gain the ability to prepare Blank Spellpaper and create Spell Scrolls: consumable, single-use magic items that store a known spell for later activation.
Magical Resonance 1-2 Adept Source, Intelligence 3 OR Willpower 3 Gain the ability to detect and eventually identify magical auras.
Trance 1 Adept Source Enter a meditative trance to restore the body's energy more efficiently.
Spirit Sight 1-2 Shamanism Source A ritual using drugs or deep meditation to perceive the Spirit World.
Soulspeak 1 Shamanism Source Communicate freely with nearby spirits.
Alter Pact 1 Shamanism Source Alter the type of shaman pact a specific spirit provides.
Spirit Shrine 2 Shamanism Source Rank 5 or higher This ritual creates a temporary opening into the spirit realm at a chosen location.
Improved Familiar 2 Sorcery Source, Seed: Summon 2 Caster's familiar gains improved stats.

Miscellaneous Training

Physical Training

Benefit Name Rank Prerequisites Description
Quick Draw 1 Dexterity 2 Draw a weapon as a Fast Action.
Improved Speed 1-2 Gain increased speed
Improved Initiative 1-2 Gain an improvement in reaction time.
Armor Training 1-2 Improve maximum Dodge and reduce Speed penalties for Medium or Heavy armor
Mounted Combat 1-2 Dexterity OR Strength 3, Ride 3 Gain bonuses when fighting on a mount.
Toughness 1-3 Constitution 3 Retain consciousness when others would fall.

Combat Skill Training

Benefit Name Rank Prerequisites Description
Improvised Fighter 1 Ignore penalties with improvised weaponry.
Master of Martial Arts 1 Unarmed Combat Skill 5 Apply existing unarmed combat skill to other unarmed combat skills.
Weapon Master 1 Weapon Skill 5 Apply existing weapon skill to new weapons.
Weapon Finesse 1 Allow use of Dexterity instead of Strength for Large and Two-Handed weapons’ attack rolls.

Mental Training

Benefit Name Rank Prerequisites Description
Meditation 1 Recover mana through meditation even without a restful sleep.
Language 1-2 Intelligence 2 Read, Write, and Speak in a new language
Spell Mastery Variable Channelling, Shamanism, Magecraft, or Sorcery Source Master casting of a spell to bypass verbal or somatic casting requirements.
Skill Specialization 1 5 ranks in Business, Craft, Perform, Knowledge, Medicine, Search, or Survival skill Specialize in a particular skill granting a +2 bonus.
Bonus Source 4 Gain an additional Source.